We'll all seek stability for our bodies by finding someplace for our feet. Now what do you do with your feet? Even if you had a floor you could reach to rest your feet on, you can’t actually get them there, because you can’t bend your knees. If you sit your bottom all the way back (which in high chairs we almost always have kids do, and then strap them down so they can’t move…) then your knees aren’t able to bend to 90 degrees. Again, picture yourself in a chair with a seat bottom that is entirely too big for you. That’s frustrating for them, and often leaves parents wondering what's wrong. And they're trying their hardest to actually get food anywhere close to their mouth. They're often strapped in tightly so they can’t actually sit forward from the back. So imagine a newly eating baby in a tilted back chair. It's not easy! And that’s for adults with years of practice eating. If you haven't, try it out the next time you're sitting at the table. If you’ve ever leaned back in your chair and then tried to take a bite of something, especially with a utensil, you’ll know it’s hard. Because that is how you can most easily and accurately get food into your mouth!

Your shoulders are over, or slightly in front of, your hips. If you sit at the table to eat, you lean forward to take a bite. I always like to equate how we place our babies in chairs with how we sit ourselves. It can affect your baby’s ability to actually get their hand to their mouth. So just what is wrong with that? Hip PositioningĪ seat that is tilted back means that your baby is not an active participant in the meal. Look at most chairs out there, and you might notice that they have a huge back that is often tilted slightly back, a deep seat, and a footrest that isn’t moveable, if they have one at all. Most high chairs on the market today don’t actually take into account what is the best position for your baby to successfully eat. And as they grow, problems like fussiness at the table, refusing to eat, pickiness, and so many others can all often be traced back to high chairs and how they're sitting for meals.
It may sound dramatic, but the chair that your baby uses to learn how to eat does actually matter. I don't know about you, but as someone who spends a great deal of my life helping parents figure out how to feed their babies and toddlers, how your baby sits should be one of, if not the main, consideration when buying a chair. How your baby sits in the chair wasn't even a topic of conversation, outside of one site mentioning that a chair paid attention to "small details, like ergonomics"! When I was doing some background research for this article I came across several lists by well known baby review sites.